Thursday, April 4, 2013

The odd connection between Jack the Ripper, a new pair of shoes, and this blog post.

So...the connection is not that odd, but I wanted to have a catchy title for my first real blog post.

I spoke with Chris today.  He is our tour director.  We went over a few things and when I have my notes in front of me, I will update the website a little further.  Basically, he provided me with some rough estimates on the optional things we can do.  I am pretty excited about this, but I left the prices at school...sorry.

One thing he brought up that I found particularly cool was the possibility of going on a nighttime stroll and a Jack the Ripper tour.  Chris informed me that he has an actor friend who leads the Jack the Ripper tour.  His friend dresses in costume and leads his tour with a lantern hanging off of a pole.  This is one thing that I really wanted to do while we were in London, but wasn't sure if it would all work out.  The cost for this particular event is roughly 8 euro.  I think it is a fair deal.

I know that you are wondering how a new pair of shoes fits into this blog...well, here goes.  The Jack the Ripper tour is a walking tour, in fact, many of our excursions will require walking.  Make sure that your shoes are comfortable.  If you went and bought new shoes (or were planning to) for the trip, then please break them in before the trip.  I just purchased a new pair of walking shoes for the trip and have been wearing them quite frequently.  I had them on at our meeting, but forgot to mention this travel tip because they were so comfortable.  I've been on the other side, however.  I bought a new pair of shoes right before a trip and they were actually pretty uncomfortable.  If I had tried breaking them in I would have prevented a few blisters.

Hope I'm not too wordy...but those who are going to be following us on tour will probably appreciate it then...

-Mr. Lavoie, Currently in Saugus, Ma.

1 comment:

  1. You can tell a lot about a person's shoes. One thing I recall about some of my prior trips to Europe, and even stateside, are the shoes of many of the panhandlers.

    I don't recommend that you ever contribute cash to their request, especially if their shoes are newer than yours.
