Monday, April 15, 2013

Our first day in Ireland was a tremendous success

It is roughly 1045 in Killarney.

We have been traveling all day, but I seem to finally have consistent internet access, and I wanted to tell you all about the wonderful time we've been having so far.  This post may be somewhat long, so I apologize in advance.

When we crossed through security at Logan Airport, we gathered near our gate.  The plane rolled up and we got a good look at her propeller engine.  Some of us are not huge fans of flying so seeing such a little plane was not the highlight of our morning.  With a group of 45, we actually occupied a slight majority of the seats on the plane.  We took off on time and began making our way to Newark.  It was quite simply the roughest flight I can remember being on, but out kids did real well with it.  I was proud of them...they even gave the pilot an ovation after we touched down in New Jersey.

With our stomachs still unsettled, we made our way to the next terminal which was located near a food court. Some of us grabbed McDonalds and others got Pizza, but we were all able to relax a little before hopping on our flight.  When we boarded we casually took our seats, but many of us were able to relocate and sit next to a fellow #eurotrip13-er.  I was fortunate enough to switch seats with Jenny.  She sat with friends and I received extra leg room and a seat next to Liam.  Liam was an elderly gentleman from Cork.  He was everything you would imagine in an ole Irish man: pleasant, welcoming, and complete with a thick accent.  He started the flight off with a firm hand shake and some small talk about Ireland.  The woman on the other side of me was not as pleasant, but was also from Cork.  This flight was smooth.  The food was edible.  I ordered chicken and rice.  I recognized the chicken, but the rice was a little different than what I was used too.  Overall, I think the flight went well.  I even managed to catch a few Zzzs.

When we landed in Shannon and proceeded to the security check-point, the agents there welcomed us with excellent hospitality.  Everyone got their suitcases and we met Chris, our Tour Director, and Danny, our Bus Driver.  After a small rest period we embarked on our journey to Killarney.  We stopped in a small town called Adare.  The streets had a few homes with thatched roofs and others painted in bright colors and soft pastels.  It was picturesque.  (I'd upload some photos, but I am afraid I'll lose my internet connection)  Finally, we made it to Killarney.  We were told it is the second largest Tourist spot in the Republic of Ireland after Dublin and it was easy to see why...

The streets were adorned with Jaunting Cars.  These horse and buggy rides took us through an Irish National Park.  We visited Ross Castle which was burned out by Cromwell around the time Saugus was being founded.  Our colorful guides and their equine friends made the voyage extra special with a collection of puns  and jokes that amused us all.  After our rides, we went into town and grabbed lunch.  Some of us reached way outside of our comfort zone and tried a place called Burger King...I had Shepard's Pie at a traditional Irish restaurant.  I think all were happy with their choices!!!

We finally made it to our hotel and began resting up for tomorrow's adventure, but not before the hotel served us dinner.  Our meal started with a potato or corn chowder.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it although a few people used way too much pepper.  Our next course was Turkey with some strange fried potato thing.  Once again, people liked it.  We finished up with ice cream.  Overall, it was a pleasant evening meal and provided just enough energy for one more trip into town.  We got to experience real Irish weather on this walk as the skies opened up.  The weather seems to be better for tomorrow as we explore the ring of Kerry, but even now, it is raining fairly strong.

It was when we returned that we heard what had happened in Boston.  It is a little shocking to see something so close to us, but knowing it is so far away.  As news continues to unfold, we will make sure that the kids are comfortable and safe.  If anyone needs me to deliver any specific news please email me at or

We played a couple of rounds of catch phrase before the kids shuffled off to bed.  They are all in good spirits and hopefully fast asleep.  They've had an extraordinary long day and they all held up very well.  You should all be proud of them.

I am hoping to add pictures tomorrow and also give another report.  Thanks for reading.

Mr. Lavoie, currently in Killarney, Island at the Glena House Hotel.

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