Thursday, April 11, 2013

Another list...oh no.

I'm getting addicted to this blogging thing.  We had 80 hits today and we've even had hits from Germany and Canada, not too bad, eh?

So...I am a huge Gleek...I know, who isn't right?  A few episodes ago, they sang about songs that were their guilty pleasures.  Some sang Spice Girls while others crooned to Mr. Manilow.  While I probably will not get in to how I like to listen to Les Mis while mowing my lawn, I did think it appropriate to list a few of my travel guilty pleasures. is another list of things you might think a little odd, but are totally worth it:

  1. Buying new socks.  I love to purchase new socks for a trip to Europe.  Think of how comfortable a new pair of socks can feel and then combine that with miles and miles of European Cobblestone.  New socks are totally worth it.
  2. Wiki-surfing.  Another pre-trip ritual is signing onto Wikipedia and clicking on link after link to see where I end up.  I will go to Ireland (on Wikipedia) and as I read, I will click on a link that I find interesting.  On that link, I will find something else interesting.  It is the easiest way to kill a half-hour or more for the anxious traveler.  You never know what you'll find...I'm not sure if I've ever hit a dead end while surfing Wikipedia.
  3. Practicing accents.  I am a pretty good actor.  I always wanted to be a comedian.  It seems only natural that I'd become a master of accents.  While I never practice my accents on the natives, I am pretty sure that I have a mean Welsh accent...which will help us out at the Haunted Hand Hotel.
Well, that's aboot it, Cheers!

Mr. Lavoie, currently sitting in the School Committee room after speaking about State Student Government Day among other things.

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