Monday, April 22, 2013

Always look on the bright side

It can be tough to look on the bright side sometimes, especially when things keep piling up, but it is important to try...

I've thought about not telling people about this, but I decided that I've blogged about the entire trip and I should probably let folks know.  Last night, when preparing for today's departure, I noticed that I was missing roughly $1400.00 USD from my suitcase.  We are supposed to tip our Tour Director at the conclusion of a trip and this money was for that purpose.

Chris has been absolutely wonderful and I will have to explain to him that most of the money collected for him has been taken.  I am appalled by the actions of whomever stole this money and will find a way to compensate Chris in a way that he truly deserves.

I've all ready met with police officials here in London and they've taken my statement.  They will be contacting me later in the week with a bit of a report as to what happens next.  I will also be contacting EF Tours to explain to them too.  I am besides myself writing this, but my faith in humanity is not shaken at all.

This week has reaffirmed a belief that I have.  While there are bad people out there who do bad things, there are many more people who chose to do the right thing.  While two people ran away from the Marathon explosions, hundreds ran towards them to see if they could help.  While a city mourned, a group of Welsh singers tooks 37 high school students under their wings and comforted them with song.  Bad things happen, but good people always prevail.  I hope this post finds you well.

Mr. Lavoie currently in London.

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