Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bonus Blog: A musical journey through Ireland and Wales...

This trip has been an emotional roller coaster.  There have been tremendous highs and terrible lows.  Through it all, we've stuck together and sometimes even sung together.  Tomorrow night, we will head to Wicked and end our trip with a final musical experiences, but over the past eight days, it is fair to say that music has helped define this trip.  I am sharing with you now some video of the experiences our kids had.  Mr. Bemis did an excellent job of capturing these moments and although you may never know how they impacted us...I think his cinematography made every attempt of telling our story whenever possible.  We've got a few more videos to figure out, but I wanted some to be sent out tonight.

The Hand Hotel Llongallen, Wales

At this very peculiar little hotel, on every Friday night, the Cor Meibion Llongallen rehearses their upcoming performances.  While it is a men's choir, during our visit many of the men had brought their wives.  As the night began to wind down, their conductor asked our kids to come in for a song or two.

He had found out we were from Boston and wanted to dedicate a song for us.  He said he was appalled by the attacks on our city and reassured us that things would be okay and that our government would find the cowards who attacked the marathon.  I never got the man's name, but he began what was one of the most inspiration moments of my life and I think the kids as well.

Here the choir, and our kids, begin singing Take me out to the Ball Game.

The song immediately switched into a medley of common American songs and Welsh music:

The evening kind of turned into a free for all with both sides singing songs that might make the other group smile.  Here, our kids try to remember the lyrics and notes to Sweet Caroline.

We also asked if he knew the Star Spangled Banner...and he did.  This rendition left many a folk with tears in their eyes and a warm feeling of friendship in their hearts.

Finally, to end the evening, the choir began to sing a song for us.  We believe the name of the song was Invitation.  From what we understand, the song was a joint effort between an American and a Welshman.  This was the perfect way to end the night.  It also solidified to our students that Americans are still loved in many places across this world.  The outpouring of support these folks showed the city of Boston and our kids was tremendous.  While I do not know their names, I extend to them the same invitation they extended to my into my heart forever. 

I thank you all for reading along and watching these videos.  We've come to terms with the fact that we don't really take vacations on these trips, instead, we change lives.  I know mine has changed.

Mr. Lavoie currently typing quietly as to not awake a sleeping Mr. Bemis and over looking the 2012 Olympic Village.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Rick for taking care of the kids and taking care of us back home.

