Monday, April 22, 2013

One more day...

One more day until we will be home.

This trip has been very fun.  I am excited however to get back to the real world.  As is customary, I will explain how this blog will be short because I am tired and then I will type for a while.  It's only midnight here and I hope to be asleep soon.  We've got to wake relatively early to make it across town for our flight to Washington DC and then on to Boston.

Tonight, we ended our evening with a performance of the show "Wicked."  It was an interesting show. The performers did an outstanding job and a bunch of our kids were wicked impressed.  The show was entertaining and stuff and I heard more than one student explain that it was a great way to end the trip.  As I type this, I am pretty sure most of them are running around packing so we can speed things up tomorrow.

Before the show, we had dinner at an Indian restaurant.  The kids were great about trying some new foods.  We had Curry Chicken, white rice, flan, a Mango Chutney sauce, and some spinach concoction.  I enjoyed it all.  Chris, our tour guide, explained why Indian food is so popular in Britain.  The true test of a good restaurant is when kids say they'll try the same food back at home and I heard a few kids saying they would.

Dinner was a great time for the whole group, but before that we had split into several groups to enjoy our free day in London.  Ms. Larsen had lived in London for a few months while studying and she led a large group of students out to the Camden Market.  After that some of the kids stayed with her and visited the Tate Modern Art museum.  The other students went with Ms. Topham, Ms. Dinan, Ms. Alongi, and Ms. Mottola to visit some key shopping areas like Soho and Picadilly Circus.  From what I understand, they all had a blast.

My group, along with Mr. Bemis and Ms. Payne, also had a great day.  We finished it off with a quick visit to the National Art Museum.  Some of the work was inspirational, but the sleeping David Beckham video was not a favorite.  Before the art museum, we had gone to the British Museum.  As had been explained to us, this is the place where the Brits saved everything they stole from other people and wouldn't give back.  It was really neat to the ancient artifacts and mummified corpses.

Speaking of relics, my group also took in a musical heritage sight on our excursion.  We embarked on a journey that took us to the world's most famous crosswalk (statement not verified by any facts) at Abbey Road.  We tried and tried to reproduce the iconic steps of the Beatles, but the road traffic was very thick.

Before our groups split, we took in the changing of the guard at Horse Guard Palace.  It was impressive and a few of the soldiers actually broke character to speak with us...even if it was just to ask how many people we had there to pose for photos with him.

We barely made it to the changing of the guard because we had to walk from the London Eye to the Horse Guard.  Standing in our way, were Ms. Morando and Ms. Golan finishing up their eurotrip.  We saw them as we were disembarking the Ferris Wheel and exchanged a few quick hugs and hellos.  It was so great to see them, even if only briefly, while we were all across the pond.  The eye was a highlight of the day, even though I don't like heights, because of how cool it was to see all of London.  We could also see half of our group in the other car.  There is nothing quite like floating across a major city, but we did it in stride.  I only freaked out a little bit.

Well, it is bed time.  I hope you enjoyed this blog. I'll probably write a summation at some point and there may be some quick travel updates posted here as we come home. I thought I'd leave you all with a little song and hope you have a great day.  For our parents, please note that pick-up time is around 6:35pm Boston time.  Our flight number is 1136 on United and we are arriving from Dulles International Airport.  We should be landing at Gate C.

See you tomorrow.

Mr. Lavoie currently packing up his laptop and his suitcase.  Eurotrip13 is nearly in the books.

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