Sunday, April 14, 2024

Day One: Butter Chicken...more like Better Chicken. Eurotrip24 has begun!

Waiting for our turn to travel and learn

I don't know about you, but I love travel. The excitement of the airport. The controlled anxiety of going through security. The wonder of what's next for you...and for others scattered about the airport. I also love the traditions that travel brings my way. I have certain snacks that I must have packed in my bags. Certain places in Europe that I feel compelled to visit if I'm close by.  And is central to my travel traditions. As you can imagine by the title, my dinner tonight was butter chicken provided by Delta.

Airline food isn't for everyone, I get it, but I love it. I was super lucky to travel to Rome via Delta in February and I first had their butter chicken on that flight. Tonight's was just as delicious! First, I started with a fresh couscous salad. I imagine the recipe was created by some famous chefs from across the globe. After finishing my salad, I peeled back the aluminum foil to let the aromatics flood the fuselage. The green beans on top of the butter chicken were perfectly al dente. Expertly designed, the rice and chicken were separated in the petit cardboard box. Not as refined as the chef, I mixed the two together and dove in with gusto. In a flash, the cuisine was mine. I moved to my after dinner snack...cheese and crackers. Extra sharp cheddar and oversized Ritz. It was like a dream come true. I finished my meal with a wonderful little truffle brownie. Overall, having eaten quite a few airline meals in my life, I was more than satisfied.  

Last night, as I prepared for our trip, I was lucky to spend the evening with my brother and his wife. They have been living in Germany and are currently in transition back to the United States. They know of another food-based tradition that I have...and it includes take-out from Dragon Island (just outside of Saugus Center).  I've been going there for years. Albert, the owner, refers to me as the "professor," lol. I order the same meal every time. It is 'off of the menu' so to speak, but I don't even have to tell them what I want! Visiting with my brother and his wife was extra special. Albert was thrilled to see them and he put extra care and attention into our meal. The three of us returned home and Monty (my pup) waited patiently for rice, or spareribs, to fall to the ground. They didn't! We were too hungry! Dave, Gina, and my folks, are watching Monty while I am away and I absolutely own them all for their help while I travel.

This is my funny way of thanking them. It is also my attempt at thanking everyone reading this blog. I will ask for comments and feedback throughout the trip, because it helps me keep motivated. The blog also lets me thank everyone else who helped us get here. Our most ardent supporter, outside of the Saugus Public School system, is our alumni association. They generously provide each traveler with a special hoodie. This year's design was inspired by the one we had in 2015. We also had so many people help out in supplying each student with a personalized travel bag. Thank you to Karyn Huntsman for all of the work personalizing everything...and to every donator along the way, I will show gratitude again throughout the trip, but I wanted to get started on the right foot. I also wanted to thank the parents and guardians of our students. I am fortunate enough to keep doing these types of things because of your desire for your children to see the world. Watching over them and sharing my sense of travel is an honor that I hold deeply. 

Our flight is going smoothly, so far. We've finished dinner and the cabin lights are off. There are a few hues from laptops like mine, but it is clear people are going to attempt some sleep soon. I will join them once I've wrapped up and tried to post a few more images inside this blog. The wifi is spotty, however, and I am not sure it is as "high speed" as advertised.  We will land in Amsterdam and make haste to our connecting flight to London. Once there, we will meet our tour director, Maria, and begin our adventure.

Thank you everyone for reading tonight...tomorrow should have more photos and some fun stuff as well!

The last of us to board waving goodbye to Boston!

Mr. Lavoie, currently thousands of miles in the air with a full belly and a grateful heart. 


  1. Have fun! We will take good care of Monty for you.

  2. Thanks so much for all the effort you put into these adventures! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s edition! Have a great trip.
