Friday, April 19, 2024

Day 6: From London to Paris, we feel like Eurostars


Our group on the London Eye this morning.

We had a time change when we traveled into France. It is currently 11pm, but it feels like 10. We are all checked into our second Ibis hotel (we stay with the brand for the rest of the trip) and this one is a little older, but has the same amenities. There is a large number of German tourists here as well. It was a challenge to find a plug in the lobby near a chair, so I've retired to my room while writing tonight's entry.

I would expect it to be a somewhat short one too. It was a travel day. Most of today was waiting for the train, riding the train, walking from the train to the bus, etc. It shouldn't be tiring, but when I was chatting with some of the kids they said it was one of the more exhausting days we have had.

Our morning began a little later than the previous few days. It allowed some of us a little extra sleep. We gathered, loaded up our suitcases and departed our London Ibis. Martin was able to drop us off right in front of the London Eye and we waited for it to open. We were all together in one car and we were the second car to take off that morning. The sun didn't break through the clouds for us, but we still had some amazing views.

Our attempt at a selfie with the eye! It is much bigger than you might think!

Big Ben and the Parliament from the peak of the Eye

The Shard

When we exited the Eye, Martin was able to get another great spot. The rain slowly had started creeping in and a short walk was perfect. We took the coach to the Eurostar station and said goodbye to Martin. He said he would miss us and we will miss him too.

After a short wait, the terminal opened for our international journey. We filed in through security and showed our passports. Mine was stamped with authority and I hope all of the kids had the same pressure applied to theirs! Another short wait was upon us until the doors opened to the terminal. We were in coach 9 and it was almost exclusively our group. We were also right next to the dining car, but most of the kids skipped the dining experience for much needed sleep.

Waiting for the train

Still waiting for the train

Boarding the train

Isiah and I were among the last to board. We were thrilled to be on our way.

Mostly sleeping students.

Train travel in Europe is clutch. I really enjoy it. While we waited a bit to board, the pressure is just not the same as flying. You can all get up and move about. Having a dining area is also great. I won't get too political on my blog, but I really wish we had a better high speed rail system in the US. The Eurostar moves very quickly. It took just about 3.5 hours to go from London to Paris. They don't make a big fuss about when you are underwater and I didn't even notice...although it might have been because I was editing my Kowlooon review from yesterday (available now on Tiktok: @Onemusttraveltolearn)

We arrived to Paris on schedule and met our new bus driver, Joris. He is a friendly man from Belgium, Bruges to be specific and the bus is really nice inside. We began to make our way towards the Notre Dame and the Latin Quarter when the rain became torrential. Joris actually called the restaurant on our behalf to see if they'd seat us sooner to avoid the weather. They were excited for our arrival. 

A hearty portion of Beef Bourguignon. 

Sweet Creme Brule

Tonight's meal was perfect for the setting. It was a small family restaurant serving comfort food on a chilly rainy night. I was thrilled to see everyone eating and laughing. The weather may dampen the streets, but out spirits were high. This little spot was great, too. When asked for more bread, the young waiter ran out of the restaurant to the pizza shop next door and he returned with a few more baskets for everyone to enjoy. They also had a friend join us for dinner that was extra special.

Waiting for our tables to be set.

Our special friend greeted us as we entered and was sad to see us go.

After dinner, we walked to the coach and began our trip to the hotel. It was a short ride. There isn't much to do here as the hotel isn't near any convenience stores or fast food places, but I think most of the kids were still pretty tired. Our day starts a little later tomorrow, too, which will be explained when we have returned from another day. I am hoping the weather cooperates with our adventures in Paris and that I have lots more photos and stories to share with you. 

Mr. Lavoie, grateful for family and friends, both near and far...and after seeing this little guy tonight, thinking of his own furry friend hanging out with Grammy, Papa, Dave, and everyone else at Funky Bow Brewery (my family has been sending pictures for the past two hours, lol).


  1. Thanks so much, Mr. Lavoie. Love reading your daily updates!! It’s so appreciated.

  2. What exactly is The Eye?
