Friday, June 14, 2013

Day Four: It's like a giant slumber party

Well, we are on the bus.  I am blogging using a mobile hotspot that could go out at any minute,  This post will be a short one.  I typically like to write a summation post at the end of the trip...and will probably do so tomorrow.

Our ETA in Saugus is roughly 1:30am.  It's been a really long day, but the kids have been resilient.  I've been getting to know many of them and I cannot wait to potentially teach them next year.  I've also noticed something else in's really cool to see, too.

They have every right to be upset and tired and annoyed with this journey home, but they are not.  Our bus is filled with laughter right now.  I heard some kids talking from about halfway down the bus. They said that this is like a giant slumber party.  I've always maintained that we make our own adventures in life...that we hold the power to make bad situations better simply by possessing a positive attitude.  I am seeing this in them.  It is really cool.

We are about to enter Connecticut and I am going to sign off.  I will see you all soon enough.

Mr. Lavoie, currently on I-84 and heading back towards Boston.


  1. thank you! Quite moving...

  2. Mr. Lavoie - thank you for taking us on this journey with the kids. Even thought I sat in my home office in Saugus reading this blog, I felt like I walked every foot of DC along with you all. You brought this trip to life for us. I really hope my daughter is fortunate enough to have you as a tearcher as she enters SHS. Have a wonderful summer

  3. Mr. Lavoie...again Thankyou. While these 8th graders had a great time, it is for most their first trip away from home without family, and tough on their parents also to let them go! I am so glad they handled themselves well....and truly appreciated these blogs. I have followed some of your others, since I knew high-schoolers who traveled with you previously! For sure, our kids will be excited to see you next year...a friendly face they know. Thankyou for taking time out of your life for our kids....looking forward to more trips through your eyes! Happy Summer, Lisa Ghika
